Geist is a Black Metal project that combines black art with the eternal madness that accompanies our very existence as human beings. "Der Ungeist" delivers sickening twisted Black Metal that's powered by torture vocals and desperate atmosphere. This seven tracks album comes straight from the miserable pits of insanity and was based on the idea that the whole thing must be recorded once, live and without any revisions or refinements. Conversely, everything was performed on electronic instruments. This expresses the conflict between cold and dirty mechanics and the classical emotional melody that they lean on - A battle between two edges of madness inside the "Der Ungeist" mind. Recommended to fans of Urfaust, Ondskapt, Lifelover, ColdWorld…
- -15%
GEIST - Der Ungeist . CD
8,08 €
9,50 €
Détails du produit
- Année
- 2012
- Label
- TotalRust
- Alpha
- G